Hey, that's good news! I had heart surgery eighteen years ago and I'm still celebrating new life.
Rob Crompton
JoinedPosts by Rob Crompton
Update on my valve replacement.
by Mall Cop inwell, i got a brand new bovine valve, june 21 was the date.
three hour surgery,no other problems.
four day stay in the hospital was the plan,however, i caught a body rash and had to be held over for four more days.
SPARLOCK has been banned on YOutube!!!!!
by usualusername inall the videos have been taken down by the watchtower!.
uun .
Rob Crompton
Well, at least this confirms that the idiocy is genuine and not an elaborate parody.
I find it ironic"should you be charged for religious services"
by bobld insome of their comments.. leaders of professed christian religions charge a fee for religious services.these may include baptisms,weddings or funerals.. but does the bible support such customs of charging for religious services or even of making people feel obligated to pay.yet,at the same time,they professed divine backing.. in the time of micah,priests "instructed just for a price"jehovah was not a supporter,he detested their conduct.. today many religious leaders resort to the same greedy tactics.. however,jehovah's witnesses obtain needed funds through voluntary donations.they do not charge for their literature or religious.
services.they don't tithe or pass a collection plate.. tell me how this relates to their charging for c.a.
or sad now d.c..
Rob Crompton
A couple getting married pay for the use of the venue, they pay their caterer, they pay their photographer, they pay for car hire, they pay their florist,,, and they pay a fee to the officiating minister. And some folk call it greedy tactics on the part of the minister?
Do Christian window cleaners not charge to clean your windows? Do special pioneers not receive a monthly allowance?
Posters in the UK, a trivial question....
by Glander ini was reading a novel by a british author, robert goddard.
i have read several of his books but in this one, "past caring" he spells the word "connexion" instead of "connection".
i had never seen that spelling before.
Rob Crompton
Connection is the normal British spelling. Connexion is widely regarded as archaic but survives within the Methodist Church, as the Methodist Connexion - i.e network, interdependent group etc.
Worse or worst? One is comparative, the other's superlative, So:
A is bad
B is worse than A
C is the worst.
So you don't believe in miracles... - watch this!! Clip with T.B. Joshua
by Mr Facts inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maum_5bwo6s.
Rob Crompton
It makes me very sad and angry to think that desperately unhappy people are being encouraged to believe in this abusive garbage and pursue false hopes of miraculous solutions to their ills.
by on the rocks inhow many of you since leaving the wt now beleive in a soul that will survive your physical body?
any thoughts?.
Rob Crompton
"Soul = sol = sun. Many religious words have a solar/astrological similarity or connection."
Have you tried translating this into any other languages?
I just love this.....
by Slidin Fast incanon dr paul shackerley made a series of unholy comments in which he joked about drinking, mocked religious events and grumbled about having to give sermons.
in one, he commented: i think i will put my feet up.
ive done f*** all today other than jazz lesson and visit a friend.
Rob Crompton
He sounds quite a decent guy really - can't have that sort of thing, though.
Reminds me of a friend who was similarly colourful in his language. Shortly after taking up a new post as vicar in a different parish, he had preached a sermon in which he uttered the word "blimey." On the Monday morning he had a call from a member of his congregation protesting about the use of such dreadful language. My friend apologised and said he would promise to avoid that sort of thing in future. But then he added, "I was trying not to say fuck." The line went silent.
Are There ANY Prophecies or Beliefs That The Witnesses Have Right In Your Opinion?
by minimus inregarding prophecy, i see nothing that they've ever been correct on.
from my understanding, they've always had to change the "truth" about the "truth".. scripturally, i can't see the logic of a godhead or a loving father eternally roasting a person who is deemed "bad".. yout thoughts, please?.
Rob Crompton
They had a missed opportunity with The Finished Mystery. It was a major faux pas and landed JudgeJoe with a rather tricky problem - little wonder itwas so short-lived. But in George Fisher's section on Ezekiel there was a prediction of a major onslaught against the Jewish people in Europe in the 1930s. I wonder what they mighthave done with that if the book hadn't been dumped or if Fisher hadn't fallen out of favour with the Judge.
For 6 months I have been having trouble with the bottle
by usualusername incan any of you guess the bottle and the cause of my embarrassment?.
Rob Crompton
Oh. come on - it's not one of those... well, you know, "Nurse, can I have a...?"
Oops, sorry. Couldn't resist it!
by Sunflower Samurai injust a quick overview of some new light that is coming our way, forgive my posting via my cellphone.
audience is given ten questions and we have receved anwsers to r questions.. .
"we are stealing from jehovah, if we are worrying about problems in our life, congregation, or employment.
Rob Crompton
" This is Jehovah's job to solve family problems, congregational problems, employment problems. Stealing from Jehovah, <taking matters into our own hand> grieves Jehovah's holyspirit,"
So immaturity and dependence are good, whereas taking responsibility for one's affairs and using one's (god-given?) abilities is wrong?